1. Introduction
o What is Combinatorics?
o Three Problem Classes
o History and Application
2. Basic Tools of Combinatorics
o Basic Counting Rules
o Intro to Graph Theory
3. The Counting Problem
o Generating Functions
o Recurrence Relations
o Principle of Inclusoin and Exclusion
o Polya Theory of Counting
4. The Existence Problem
o Pigeonhole Principle
o Experimental Design
o Coding Theory
o Existence Problems in Graph Theory
5. Combinatorial Optimization
o Matching and Covering
o Optimization with Graphs and Networks
6. The Stanford GraphBase
o Features
o Experiments
o Enhancements
o What is Combinatorics?
o Three Problem Classes
o History and Application
2. Basic Tools of Combinatorics
o Basic Counting Rules
o Intro to Graph Theory
3. The Counting Problem
o Generating Functions
o Recurrence Relations
o Principle of Inclusoin and Exclusion
o Polya Theory of Counting
4. The Existence Problem
o Pigeonhole Principle
o Experimental Design
o Coding Theory
o Existence Problems in Graph Theory
5. Combinatorial Optimization
o Matching and Covering
o Optimization with Graphs and Networks
6. The Stanford GraphBase
o Features
o Experiments
o Enhancements