- Intro Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction to Computer animation
- Introduction to Computer vision
- Neural Network and Machine Learning
- Pattern Recognition
- Swarm Intelligence
- Introduction to Robotics
- Computational Biology
- Game programming
- Machine Learning Techniques Theory and Implementation
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence Courses
- Intro to Compilers
- Advance Compiler Design
- Systems Programming
- Programming Languages
- Introduction Operating Systems
- Advance Operating Systems
- Linux & UNIX
- Microprocessor
- Assembly Language
- Computer Organization
- Linker and Loader
- Intro to Computer Architecture
Systems Programming Courses
- Intrusion Detection
- Cryptography 1
- System Security
- Introduction to Ethical Hacking
- Cyber security
- Cyber Law in Ecommerce application
- Web Programming 1
- Web Programming 2
- Networking Principles
- Advance Networking concepts
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Ecommerce
- Information Security
- Introduction to Cryptography and Ciphering
- Mobile Technology
- Introduction to Wireless Communication
- Distributed Object Oriented
- Parallel Programming
- Distributed Systems
- Search Engine Optimization
- Introduction Data Communication and Information Theory
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Big Data
- Blockchain
Networking, Web Programming and Security
- Advance Data Structure and Algorithm
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Object Oriented Software Engineering
- Introduction to Software Engineering && Design Patterns
- Programming Methodologies
- Database Management System
- Advanced Database Management System
- NoSQL databases
- Data Mining
- Data Warehousing
- Theory of Computation
- Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
- A+
- Computer Science 1
- Computer Science 2
- Computer Science 3
- Geographical Information System (GIS)
- File Structure
- NP Complete and Combinatorics
- Graph Theory
- Advance Graph Theory
- Computer History
- Data Structures
- C language design and Implementation
- Design Patterns in Java and C#
- Data Science in Python
Core Computer Science Courses
- Computational Analysis
- Computational Geometry
- Calculus 1
- Calculus 2
- Calculus 3
- Calculus 4
- Advanced Calculus
- Linear Algebra.1
- Linear Algebra.2
- Differential Equations
- Probability And Statistics
- Advance Probability Theory
- Discrete Structures
- Theory of Numbers
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 2
- Numerical Analysis
- Functional Analysis 1
- Complex Analysis
- Real Analysis
- Group Theory
- Algebraic Topology
- Applied Geometry
- Set Theory
- Vector Calculus
- Combinatorics
- Introduction to Computational Topology
- Value At Risk
- Numerical Methods
- Economics Math
- Business Math
- General Topology
- Intro to Physics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Intro to Electronics
- Mechanics
- Calculus for Physics
- Astronomy and Universe
- Newton Discoveries
- Physics through history
- Intro to Cosmology
- Einstein Ideas and theories
- Introduction to Radar Systems
- Introduction to Quantum Computing
- Intro to Geology.1
- Intro to Geology.2
- Intro to Pyramids
- Intro to Accounting
- Business Calculus
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Excel
- Economics Calculus
- Introduction to Banking System
- Introduction to Management Information System
- Business Management I
- Business Communication
- Introduction to Digital Marketing
- GDP,Inflation and World Bank
- Intro to Employee Management
- Intro to Advertizing
- Intro Data structure
- Business Calculus
- Intro to Project Management
- IT project management
- Business Ethics and Professional Practice
Management Information System - MIS
- Intro to Biology
- Genetics
- World war 1
- World war 2
- Communism
- Capitalism
- Nazy Regime
- General World History
- Egypt History
- Mathematics History
- Free Massion
- World History 1
- World History 2
- Socialist Party
- Hindus and Chinese History
- Ottoman Empire History
- Judiasm and Jewish History
- Fall of USSR
- Germany History
- French Revolution
- European Union
- New World Order
- Russia through history
- World Goverment (Reuthchild's Family)
- War peace and Mediation in the Middle East
- Arabs and Isreal Conflicts and Wars
- Cappur war
- United States through history
- India through History
- Cold War
- Shiaa Vs Sunni
- 11 of September 2001 conspiracy
- Iran
- Perl Harbor conspiracy
- Communism Manifesto
- Crucade war conspiracy
- Imam Hussein conspiracy
- Intro to World Civilization
- Germany through history
- World Geography.1
- World Geography.2
- Water life
- Natural Disasters
- Afganistan
- Nile river
- Amazon river
- Grammar.1
- Grammar.2
- Writing a Research Paper
- English Communication Skills
- Global warming
- Green Energy
- Water, Oil and Wind Energy
- Pollution
- Environmental Sciences
- Renewable Energy
- Mahatma Ghandy
- Martin Luther
- Karl Max
- Karl Ritter
- Zionism Protocols
- Henry Kissinger
- Hitler rise to power
- Frederick Nietche
- John Bolton
- Georges Soros
- Sadam Hussein
- Arial Sharoon
- Hafez el Assad
- Winston Churchill
- Bachir Gemayel
- Mohammad ibni Abdellah
- Vladimir Linin
- Joseph Stalin
- Mein Kampf
- Charles de Gaulle
- Kamal Gounblat
- Antoun Saade
- Christian Zionists
- Zionism
- Thora
- Islam
- Budhism
- Introduction to Church History
- Protestants
- Catholic Church
- Eastern Church Orthodox