Introduction, getting to know each other,
organization of the course.
File and data structures for database processing
Background, history of database management.
Functions of a database management system.
Introduction to the relational model, SQL.
The relational algebra.
Query by example.
Relational databases: nulls, views, security, indexes, changing the database structure, system catalog, integrity.
Embedded SQL.
Microcomputer database management: creating
and populating a database, creating reports and labels.
Microcomputer database management: using SQL, updating database, views, custom forms, generating applications, programming, the functions of a DBMS.
Functional dependence, keys, normalization:
first, second, and third normal forms.
Normalization: fourth and higher normal forms.
Introduction to database design: design goals, user views, design methodology.
Introduction to database design: examples, documentation.
Advanced topics: user views, representing views as relations.
Advanced topics: the entity-relationship model, general design comments, comprehensive design example.
The CODASYL model: basic concepts, data definition, data manipulation.
The CODASYL model: examples, IDMS and the functions of a DBMS.
Physical database design: mapping to relational model, mapping to CODASYL model, tuning for performance.
Physical database design: analyzing space and processing requirements, example.
Fourth-generation environment: overview, the data dictionary.
Fourth-generation environment: components, languages and prototyping, emerging software tools.
organization of the course.
File and data structures for database processing
Background, history of database management.
Functions of a database management system.
Introduction to the relational model, SQL.
The relational algebra.
Query by example.
Relational databases: nulls, views, security, indexes, changing the database structure, system catalog, integrity.
Embedded SQL.
Microcomputer database management: creating
and populating a database, creating reports and labels.
Microcomputer database management: using SQL, updating database, views, custom forms, generating applications, programming, the functions of a DBMS.
Functional dependence, keys, normalization:
first, second, and third normal forms.
Normalization: fourth and higher normal forms.
Introduction to database design: design goals, user views, design methodology.
Introduction to database design: examples, documentation.
Advanced topics: user views, representing views as relations.
Advanced topics: the entity-relationship model, general design comments, comprehensive design example.
The CODASYL model: basic concepts, data definition, data manipulation.
The CODASYL model: examples, IDMS and the functions of a DBMS.
Physical database design: mapping to relational model, mapping to CODASYL model, tuning for performance.
Physical database design: analyzing space and processing requirements, example.
Fourth-generation environment: overview, the data dictionary.
Fourth-generation environment: components, languages and prototyping, emerging software tools.